Book put together at Funeral

A book was put together at Lisa's funeral, these are some of the stories that were shared:

Over the twelve years, I knew Lisa, I came to realize that her musical talents were only a part of her many gifts that would bless mine and my family's lives. lt was a short interaction but will always remember how she cried with me in Safeway as I told her my most recent parenting struggles and then proceeded to get in line at the checker and ask her how her family was too. Her heart was always overflowing with love and concern for others. When she found out that Summer wasn't sure she wanted to go away to college, she invited us over for family home evening specifically to talk about the blessings that come from higher education. I am positive that this influence had a role in her decision to attend BYU Idaho and while there, decide to serve a mission. Just one month before she passed, Lisa asked me specifically about each child in our family and listened with undivided attention as we decorated her house for Christmas. She then shared an experience she had as a parent that gave me hope regarding one of my children. I know Heavenly Father used Lisa in countless people's lives and her faith in Him and Her Savior meant she was ready to fill whatever need arose. My life is better because of her and knowing we will see each other again brings me joy. And will always think of her when I hear a handbell!
The Porter family
Summer, Todd, Heather, Grace, and Dallin

I could name a million ways that Lisa influenced me, but I'll narrow it down to three...
Christmas Spirit
December can be very busy and stressful month. The list of things to do seem unending. Not to mention the list of things want to do or expectations put on myself to give my family a magical seasonln all the hustle and bustle, sometimes struggle to feel the true Christmas spirit. Lisa'sefforts to make our sacrament meetings in December full of beautiful arrangements of Christmas hymns were much appreciated. Participating in them made them all the more meaningful. And the closing hymns she arranged with the organ, piano, other instruments, and congregation singing were probably the most powerful to my heart. Even when was just participating as a member of the congregationSinging those hymns in such a powerful, beautiful way truly unlocked my Grinchyheart. The stresses of the season melted away. My heart would soar with the true Christmas spiritThe real reason the celebration of the birth of our Savior in the beautiful and humble circumstances that they were, ultimately celebrating and appreciating all the Savior is to me, to everyonecame to look forward to those sacrament meeting musical numbers knowing they would fill my soul. Lisa always made sure we had beautiful musical numbers in sacrament meeting.
A few months after Jane was born, Lisa asked me to participate in a musical number. was deep in the depths of postpartum depression and was struggling to do even the basics for my family, let alone my calling at YW president. didn't want to tell Lisa no though. For one, love my friend and wanted to support her. And secondly, how could tell Lisa no because was struggling? Lisa, who was the epitome of go forward with faith and joy and optimism through struggle. But, knew couldn't do
it With a heavy heart, texted her and said was barely keeping my head above water and felt all my efforts right now needed to go to my family and my calling and that was so sorry. She immediately texted back and said something along the lines of, "Absolutely! That's right where your efforts should be! Hang in there! We love you!" No judgment, complete understanding. was so relieved and grateful and full of love for Lisa.
As look back in my email inbox, have multiple emails from Lisa sharing love and
encouragement. She frequently sent a quick email of gratitude after gave a sacrament meeting talk or relief society lesson. She responded with gratitude and support to many YW emails. She never missed an opportunity to share appreciation or give encouragement. When was teaching relief societyalways knew could count on Lisa to share meaningful and inspiring comments. When you open it up for discussion, sometimes you can get some weird comments or tangents and, as a teacher, that can be tricky. But could always count on Lisa to bring it back around seamlessly. in fact, funny story -- when she went out for Amy's graduation while back and I saw the photo she postedwas, of course, super excited for the Lamberts, but did think, "Oh no! bet she won't be back for my lesson!" always knew can count on her for awesome comments!! :) She loved the gospel and loved sharing it together.
will forever be grateful for the influence Lisa has had on my life. I love you Lambert family. With love, Laura Berrett

! Ioved and admired my friend Lisa. We raised our children together, served together at church, collaborated on music (we have both been choir directors), enjoyed years of Mother's Day Camping with our families and shared faith in Christ and a love of the Gospel.
One fond memory have of Lisa is when we attended Ward Council together around 2000 under Bishop Jeff Adams. Lisa was serving as Relief Society President and was called as President of Young Women. We met early Sunday mornings before church in Bishop Adams'small office. The office was usually filled to capacity with people and chairs and Lisa and were often the only two: women. While serving, Lisa learned she was pregnant with Kiley. She was thrilled with the news despite the challenge of raising a new baby she didn't let it affect her commitment to her calling.
While many people would have taken the pregnancy as an opportunity to ask for release, Lisasimply embraced both the calling and her new little one. She continued to attend Ward Council once Riley was born, but with one change-Kiley was in tow. Lisa would bring Kiley in a baby carrier and set her on the floor. Kiley had usually just eaten and slept through the meetings in her carrier on the floor covered with a blanket.
Lisa continued demonstrating her commitment to service in years later, especially once she was diagnosed with cancer. recall her leading choir practice sitting on a chair (she was too tired to stand) with a cap on her head. remember thinking, "Well if Lisa can show up for choir when she's dealing, with the side effects of cancer can certainly attend practice even though I'm sleepy and would prefer a Sunday afternoon nap."
Lisa was an inspiration. Her commitment, faith, ability to endure and love for her family made me want to be a better person" will miss our friendship and her faithful example.
lVith much fondness and love, Tracey Panek

When was growing up in junior high and high school did a lot of singing even sang few solos in junior and senior year of high school. However, it was always such traumatic experience for me that after school stopped singing mostly. except for ward choir When got into this ward and started singing with the choir. Lisa called me out one day in front of the whole choir and said think Allysonhas a beautiful voice and want you to sing a solo part l gave her the biggest scowl could muster up because really didn't want to! She let me slide that time, (l think my mean face worked!!) but she gently kept pushing me to share my meager ability ...hand picking songs for me that were in a comfortable range, offering to sing a duet with me, etc. Over time grew confident enough to give a solo try again. have since sung several solos and whereas it is never easy for me, her encouragement, confidence and help have made it a much better experience for me and have gained satisfaction in my small gift. simply don't know what will do now that she is not there to pick songs for  mel Thank you, Lisa, for seeing way needed to grow and helping me stretch out of my comfortable place. I will forever picture you sitting in the pews smiling and encouragingly listening to our musical numbers. Love you!!
Allyson Hill

Dear Lambert Family,
only knew Lisa for a short time but am so grateful had the privilege of knowing her. You could tell what faithful, wonderful person she was simply by meeting her. She radiated so much light, faith, strength, and love for the Lord that she always beamed with the spirit.
Last year did a service project where collected feminine hygiene donations for local Homeless shelterran into Lisa at Safeway and she mentioned that she had few donations she would like to drop off to my house. When she came by later that day was blown away at the Costco-sized boxes and boxes and boxes of tampons, pads, etc. that she donated to the cause. was so blown away by her generosity and desire to do all she could to help alleviate the needs of her fellow sisters.
also remember speaking with Lisa in the hall at church few weeks before she passed away and instead of focusing on herself she kept asking how I was doing with my pregnancy. was impressed by how even when she was going through so much personally she still wanted to focus on others and make them feel noticed, loved and cared for.
Lisa always had such inspiring and insightful comments in Sunday school and she really added so much to the lessons through her participation. also loved seeing her lead the music in sacrament meetingloved watching my 2-year-old daughter look up at Sister Lambert on the stand and try to mimic her leading the music. remember Lisa telling me at church one day how she saw Riley trying to copy her leading the music and how she thought it was so cute and how it made her smile.
never saw Lisa appear grumpy or bothered. She was always so cheerful and happy and focused on what truly matters in life. She was a supreme example of what it means to live your religion.
Lambert Family, am so sorry for your incredible loss. My heart truly breaks for you and you will all be in mine and my family's prayers. hope and pray you can feel comfort during this extremely difficult time and that peace will come to you as you turn to the Savior to lift your broken hearts. So so sorry for the pain you are experiencing missing such an incredible wife and mother.
With Sympathy, Baley Van Wagoner

I remember one time people that admired, including Sister Lambert. talked about a song that she had put together that the activity day girls, the YW, and the Relief Society all sang together, Daughters of God. was only 8-9but remember that it was very special to me. also mentioned that she has never complained about her situation, and how she was always happy. Her response told me how much music meant to her, and she never mentioned her situation. love Sister Lambert. She is such an influence on me.
Adelaide Berrett

I could name a million ways that Lisa influenced me, but I'll narrow it down to three...

Christmas Spirit
December can be a very busy and stressful month.  The list of things to do seem unending. Not to mention the list of things I want to do or expectations I put on myself to give my family a magical season.  In all the hustle and bustle, I sometimes struggle to feel the true Christmas spirit.  Lisa's efforts to make our sacrament meetings in December full of beautiful arrangements of Christmas hymns were much appreciated.  Participating in them made them all the more meaningful. And the closing hymns she arranged with the organ, piano, other instruments, and congregations singing were probably the most powerful to my heart.  Even when I was just participating as a member of the congregation.  Singing those hymns in such a powerful, beautiful way truly unlocked my Grinchy heart.  The stresses of the season melted away.  My heart would soar with the true Christmas spirit. the real reason - the celebration of the birth of our Savior in the beautiful and humble circumstances that they were, ultimately celebrating and appreciating all the Savior is to me, to everyone.  I came to look forward to those sacrament meeting musical numbers knowing they would fill my soul. Lisa always made sure we had beautiful musical numbers in sacrament meeting.

A few months after Jane was born, Lisa asked me to participate in a musical number. I was deep in the depths of postpartum depression and was struggling to do even the basics for my family, let alone my calling at YW president. I didn't want to tell Lisa no though. For one, I love my friend and wanted to support her. And secondly, how could I tell Lisa no because I was struggling? Lisa, who was the epitome of going forward with faith and joy and optimism through struggle. But, I knew I couldn't do it.  With a heavy heart, I texted her and said I was barely keeping my head above water and felt all my efforts right now needed to go to my family and my calling and that I was so sorry.  She immediately texted back and said something along the lines of, "Absolutely! that's right where your efforts should be? Hang in there! We love you!" No judgment, complete understanding. I was so relieved and grateful and full of love for Lisa.

As I look back in my email inbox, I have multiple emails from Lisa sharing love and encouragement.  She frequently sent a quick email of gratitude after I gave a sacrament meeting talk or relief society lesson.  She responded with gratitude and support to many YW emails. She never missed an opportunity to share appreciation or give encouragement.  When I was teaching relief society, I always knew I could count on Lisa to share meaningful and inspiriting comments. When you open it up for discussion, sometimes you can get some weird comments or tangents and as a teacher that can be tricky.  But I could always count on Lisa to bring it back seamlessly.  In fact, funny story -- when she went out for Amy's graduation a while back and I saw the picture posted, I was of course, super excited for the Lamberts, but I did think, "Oh no!  I bet she won't be for my lesson!"  I always knew I can count on her for awesome comments!!:) She loved the gospel and loved sharing it with others.

I will forever be grateful for the influence Lisa has had on my life. I love you Lambert family.
With Love,
Laura Berrett

Often, When I am choosing topics for Sacrament meeting and the speakers, I go down a list and just pick the next ones. But about a year ago, I received a very clear impression that a topic for an upcoming talk should be "Joy". That impression was followed by an even stronger impression that I should ask Lisa to speak. And what a perfect combination! Lisa was such the embodiment of joy, that she could have just stood there before us and we would have been edified. I don't remember the words of her talk, but I remember my admiration of her and my desire to more fully have joy in my life the way she did.
Ben Porter

Kaedi Fehlberg, friend, neighbor, and fellow CV1 ward member:
I have so many memories and things that I'd love to share about Lisa, but I'll just stick to a few.
*Lisa ALWAYS meaningfully contributed to every RS lesson I've been in. She never failed to lift us, teach us, and inspire us. The Sunday before she passed away she sat in her wheelchiar talking about documenting family memories, and how she took a video of herself describing the birth of each of her children. I don't think there was a dry eye in the room. Each of us felt how sacred thesee last weeks were, and I felt so blessed to be around her. I love her.
*Several times I was able to help pack and dress her wounds. She was so upbeat, kind, and good-humored about it all. I walked away each evening feeling strengthened, inspired, and honored that she would let me serve her in such a intaimate and tender way. I love her.
*She has forever changed my children and given them confidence, boosted their self-esteem, and given them a love for music as she has invited them to sing and perform in church. I love her.
*The day before she passed away, I felt a prompting to go to the pharmacy and pick up a prescription anti-nausea medication that dissolves under the tongue.  About 2 hours later I knew why. Pam called and told me Lisa was in a lot of pain and couldn't keep down her pain medications because she kept vomiting. I went over to Lisa's house and found her on the recliner, not doing well, in a lot of pain, and vomiting very frequently. I gave her the meds, and shortly after it became very clear that we needed hospice therre ASAP to help. When the nurse got there, I felt so prvileged to help him put in the catheter to deliver meds, and to bring your mom a bowl every few minutes as she needed to vomit. Ifelt so much love for her as I wiped her mouth, propped her up, and cared for her. I have been in situations like this often, caring for sick patients, but never have I had the experience of feeling so much love in a home, and feeling Heaven so near. I feel like the veil was thin, and angels surrounded Lisa. It makes me cry to remember it. It was an experience I will forever hold as sacred. The entire time she was in liekly the worst pain of her life, she smiled, she maintained a sense of humor, and continued to inspire me, as she always has. I cut a whole in her garment bottom so we could have easier access to the catheter, and when I told her, she kind of laughed and said, "I think Heavenly Father would understand." She kept her sense of humor despite really hard circumstances. I love her.
I will be forever grateful for her influence in my life, and tin the lives of my children. What an incredible legacy she leaves. I will miss her dearly.

Lisa Bills Lambert has been in my life since I was literally born and she was my mom's best friend since before that. I remember piano lessons at her house and staying an extra hour afterwards because she and my mom were talking, which we loved. I remember playing in the backyard and having her call out the back window that macoraoni and cheese was ready. I remember playing Scattergories and having her laugh so hard at mine and Krist's responses until she almost fell out of her chiar. I rmember watching her sew and create beautiful pieces of art. I remember her playing the piano and sharing her love of music with others. But most of all I remember her love and happiness that she shared with everyone around her, even after she was diagnosed with cancer 12.5 years ago. She fought hard, she fought strong, and she fought with fire.
She is a force that will be incredibly missed by everyone who encountered her, but I am so glad and grateful for what I believe to be truths of the gospel and that she is free of any pain. My heart aches, but I am grateful for the time I have spent with her.
Haley Rader Graham

Lisa gave me a tiny orange tree with I left Mtn. View. We planted it in Albany. It struggled to produce for years but kept growing and growing over the past 16 years. It stands about 12 feet tall. this year, for the first time, we noticed it produced a good crop of fruit. Last weekend, on a whim, we decided to cut one open because we didn't have any fresh oranges for a recipe and not only was it juicy, but sweet and delicious. I'll consider it my parting gift from Lisa on her way to Heaven."  Susan Hukkanen

Andrea Riley-Soren (Kristy's coach for Auxiliaries @ CHS)
I will forever remember Lisa's fabulous hugs and beautiful smile which she always gave generously and freely.
After Kristy graduated I posted on facebook that we were looking for someone to sew swing flags for us. Lisa immediately volunteered an d we faithfully use our pink flags each October for breast cancer awarness. An aoutomatic reminder of the wonderful woman Lisa is to all of us, much love, Andrea

Syd Valett
I am a freind of Kylie and Lisa was like a second mom to me. She drove carpool with me and my friends and sister. We would often sing, listen to music, and talk about our issues. Lisa never acted like she was sick but rather more alive. She was the kindest and most joyous person.

Anne Hunsaker (Ralph and Lisa's niece)
I've always felt loved by Lisa from the very first time I met her. I remember going to Ralph and Lisa's wedding reception in Southern California when I was 10 years old. Lisa let my sister and I try on her wedding dress, and we felt so beautiful. I also remember dancing with Lisa at the family dance we had at our family reunion that summer in Waterton, Canada. She was always so happy to see me and talk to me at family gatherings through the years. I'll alwyas remember her love, her smile, and her laugh.

Lisa Erlick CV1 ward member
I am very hearing impaired and Lisa always helped me be able to sing.  She stood and sang next to me for all the practices and performance when we sang for Sherry Dew. I couldn't do it without her steady voice beside me.
She was a wonderful substitue kindergarten teacher for Hayden and Avery. They were alsways SO excited when she was there to substitute!
When my daughter Michele was murdered, Steve and I had to stay in Arizona for almost 4 months while we settled everything to bring the children back with us to California.  Lisa was the ONLY one to send me a card to let me know she was thinking and caring about me. It meant so miuch!
Lisa and Ralph also let Hailey and Brooklyn stay with them for a few days while Steeve and I had to go to some court stuff back in Arizona. She showed them great love. I love her so much!

My name is Linda D'Souza and I had the honor of knowing Lisa on the Concord High School board. She was a true inspiration. I was in charge of tour one year and it was very rocky and stressful. Before we boarded the buses to leave Lisa gave me a hug and said she'd be praying for me. The genuine love in her eyes stayed with me the whole trip. When we returned a few days later, Lisa was at school to greet the busses. I went up to her and gave her a huge hug and told her it was her praying for us and suppord that carried me through. What a remarkable and beautiful lady Lisa is.
Sign on in heaven. I'll see you again.

Brenda Adams
Lisa was one of the first people to greet us at our new house when we moved into the ward. I had been sick and she brought us dinner. Over the years she always exemplified a true love of Christ. She always had such a great attitude. I talked to her many times in regards to scheduling the church for the Show Choir. I was always worried because htey would get bumped for other church functions but she would reschedule and leave me with a "it's okay," we'll work around it. She didn't want me to worry about it, I took more effort to protect that time for her.
Lastly, home teachers were supposed to check on the welfare of those they home teach, but I was always happy to get a report from Lisa about how John was as a Home teacher. Who was teaching whom? I wondered. I love Lisa and know she is doing God's work. Love, Brenda
