Quotes from Pam Hosking Interview

Some quotes from Pam Hosking in an interview with her:

Her life expectancy was only supposed to be five years, they gave her at most, one year was more likely.

The last experimental drug therapy – which basically burned her body out, “She is the only person to have survived the treatment.” 

“Horrible treatments that have ravaged her body”

One time she was walking around with horrible blisters all over her body. They would ooze. She had a hard time just putting clothes on. The more you know the more horrific, Why doesn’t she sit around and be like my life is hard, I just don’t want to do this, but she gets out and does things. She serves other people. Instead of a pity party, for instance, this weekend she went to a funeral of Ralph’s cousin. This is the same woman who came and helped Lisa when she had her first surgery. Made meals and took care of her home and carpooled the children.  Lisa started her treatment. They went up for the funeral to pay their respects and Kylie stayed at our house. So after this big trip, Ralph shows up at my doorstep with a big pile of that cinnamon bread.
That’s the thing with Lisa, not only does she go through all of this then she’s so thoughtful to return gratitude for all those people who serve her. She is starting a whole new round of chemo. Her numbers are as high as they can be. She goes to the funeral to show gratitude and thanks for the lady who took care of her.  All of her friends want to serve her and that’s the thing she always shows gratitude back. It’s the gratitude for me that is remarkable. Instead of why me the pity and not even just living through it but being grateful. Like looking around and saying, “I have these awesome people in my life, they are helping me through this

Someone came with us to sacrament meeting. Lisa was being Lisa you don’t even think about it. She asked why her arm was just hanging there. It took a few minutes and then, Oh, you’re talking about Lisa.  You don’t even think about it. 
Here’s another example she is an amazing pianist and loses her ability to play. Instead of losing all ability to play the piano, she comes up with a way to play her with duets. She plays with one hand and the other person plays two hands. Alright, look at that! That is remarkable. She is not going to sit around and say I can’t do that anymore, that’s so sad. 
She has made all those quilts for all her kids. How did she do that? How did she do that? I have no idea. The girls help her but she’s just figured out a way to do all these things. She uses a rotary cutter and puts stuff on the material to hold it down.
That the whole thing she just ingenious she comes up with different ways to do things.
That stinks she has already been through so much why now?  Lisa replies But I’m alive.
Her faith is that she is going to see Kylie get through High School. When she told me that 10 years ago, I remember thinking to myself, Lisa that’s probably not going to happen. And now….. Her faith has been This is all I’m asking for after that I’m free to go. It’s almost like she’s made a deal. A least until Kylie graduates and then…..
Kylie was a surprise ( and maybe that was a good thing), yes and that’s the thing.
Heavenly Father has blessed my life with this child now let me raise her and then I’ll go. 
It is a faith-promoting thing, what if we all had that kind of faith? I’ll right Heavenly Father turn it over and go about my life doing positive happy and help other people and let you deal with it because you’re going to take care of it.

Why did God let this happen, especially taking away her ability to use her talents?
Amy Lambert, “Maybe God wanted her to learn new talents.”
