Asked to serve a mission

     In the summer before Lisa turned 21 her bishop from the Benson ward called her in and asked her if she had thought about serving a mission. She told him she had thought about it just a little. She was working and getting ready for the next year of school.  Her family moved from Benson to Hyde Park. The move didn't affect Lisa, but her younger siblings had to move to a different elementary school. So the family at been in North Logan for four years, Benson for four years, Hyde Park for what would be two years. While she was at the University starting her second year in the music department and her fourth year of school the Bishoped called her in and asked her formally to go on a mission.  She prayed about it and said it was something she needed to do.

    "So I got my paper work filled out – It’s a whole lot easier than it is nowadays not nearly as extensive - anyway we got the paperwork filled out and sent it in the middle of January, I said that I was available after the second quarter of school so I put my availability date that I was available March 26th that would give me a week after school got out so that I could get my ducks in a row then head off to my mission. On January 31st, 10 days later - I got my mission call – and I was going to the Belgian Antwerp mission." Surprise, Surprise they asked her to report to the MTC [Missionary Training Center] in Provo, Utah on March 19 which was a week earlier than she had put down. Finals were going to be on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday which would leave her one day to get down to the MTC. What with all the preparations and distractions, she said it wasn't her best quarter at school.

      "It was time for mom and I to kick in on all the sewing. So what my mom and I did - back then it was cheaper to sew your own clothes -  that was something that my mom had always done for all of her kids.  I had sewed a bunch of my own clothes and my mom sewed our clothes so we went to the fabric store and we got patterns for skirts and for blouses then we started sewing.  Jackets and vests and we try to make everything as interchangeable as we could so that everything could be mixed and matched. Mom had her sewing machine, – we cut everything out and put it all in  plastic bags – that was before ziplock bags - and so we would put all the patterns into plastic bags or maybe it was paper bags and we had them all lined up against the wall all these different outfits there was the Brown skirt and a plaid skirt and the plaid jacket and so I would get my homework done and as soon as I was done, then I would grab a bag and started sewing on something,  when my mom wasn’t sewing I was sewing,  that machine was going constantly. For the next seven weeks as we were trying to get all the clothes figured out and get everything done. We got it done on time I finished up at school and I headed off on my mission."
