Wedding Adventures

     "On the…April 15 which was the night before we got married, tax day, a lot of Ralph’s family had come into town. They were having a Groom’s shower for Ralph and they invited me to come over for a little bit, it was their family tradition. Ralph had family pictures of his family and so I had been studying those pictures so I could know who his family were, know who the people were, so they came in and started introducing, and I said, “Let’s see if I can do it”, and so I went around and I was able to name every single one of his brothers and sisters and their spouses except for the twins, Dale and Glen.
     "Now if they would had been standing up I would have know because Dale had polio and was on crutches, he had polio when he was a kid and so he always used crutches, but they were sitting down and they were sitting by the other wives, by each other’s wife and so I said,    
“Glen, nope that’s Dale but you’re sitting by Jen.” Yup that’s Jen, but they were pretty impressed that I was able to identify each of the siblings and their wives and I knew this was going to be my family. That we were going to be family forever and so I wanted to get to know them and spent time memorizing their names and what they looked like so I could identify them.
     "Not all of the family was able to come, all of his siblings were there but Cindy wasn’t able to come and some of the other kids because they had school going on but all the siblings were there and some of Ralph’s extended family from Canada. Ralph’s mom had been raised in Southern Alberta and had very close ties, they were a close knit extended family on the Thatcher Hansen side of the family. Some of her, some of Ralph’s cousins came down for the wedding and that made me really happy that they were glad to be there for the wedding, that was great.
     "Beautiful wedding the next morning in the Mesa Temple.  Even in April it can be blistering hot, fortunately for us it was a little bit of a cooler day it was a bit overcast so were able to get some lovely pictures. The important thing is that we were sealed in the Temple for Time and for all Eternity with my sweetheart.
     "So we were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lambert afterwards we went to a wedding breakfast at a Buffet Place there in Mesa that Kevin had tracked down for his parents, that had a back room there that we were able to have a lovely, lovely wedding breakfast there. All of my siblings were there, they were all able to be there. Kevin and his wife Trina, Keith and a girlfriend of his Michelle, Craig and Gayla, I think they had two kids by this time? And let me see who else? Yeah, they had two kids by this time, Suzanne was there, Randall was there so it was great to have them there, some of my roommates from college had come into town for it. Annette, Teddy Olson a friend from college days, Tami Secrese was there, so it was really great to see some of these friends who had come down for the wedding. 
      "We had the wedding breakfast and that night we had a reception set up a 6 o’clock at one of the buildings there. Very, very simple, we set up for it the day before and my mom had made some white table clothes, my mom had made some royal blue lace squares to go in the middle of the tables, she sewed the backdrop, my sister was in a lighter blue dress, the mothers to be were in royal blue. Ralph’s mom told me she would be wearing teal, which did not go with my colors at all but she told me she didn’t look good in royal blue so she was going to wear teal. And Ok, what do you say? So anyways in the afternoon after we had our wedding breakfast, Ralph and I decided to go back to my apartment so we could take a nap because we were both really tired and had not slept well the night before.
     "We went down and took a nap, Ralph wasn’t feeling very well, he said his stomach was bothering him. When we got up from the nap and we needed to get over to the church so we could get start getting some pictures taken, and Ralph said, “You know I’m not feeling very well.” “So let’s just get on over there.” I was thinking it was just nerves or something. He dropped me off and he went to hide the car.  I went in and got dressed in my dress and I came on out and people were saying, “where’s Ralph?” and I was saying, “I don’t know”. 
     "My dad came on over and said, “ We have a problem.” And I said, “What’s wrong?” And my dad said, “Ralph is sick.” And I said, “Ahh, Ok great.” And he said, “No, you don’t understand, he’s in the bathroom throwing up.” “He had a touch of food poisoning.”
     "He missed most of our reception, he came out for a few family pictures, he came out to cut two slices of cake and he headed back out of the room to throw up some more. He looks positively green in some of these pictures. We don’t have a whole lot of pictures of him at the reception, he wasn’t there and he was really disappointed this was the first time in his life he got to rent a tux and he was really excited and he didn’t even get to wear it and enjoy it because he was in the other room throwing up.
     "He kind of finished throwing up by the end of the reception. Some of our roommates and friends had done an amazing job of decorating the car and I was a little overwhelmed – the car was all decorated up and I wasn’t sure how to get that taken care of and it was filled with balloons and filled with confetti and we couldn’t use it and my husband he is sick in the other room and so fortunately for me even though I wasn’t a very good sport about it, some of the roommates and siblings went and got the car cleaned up so we could drive it and then my brother-in-law Kevin and my roommate from college Annette Segred – we called her Siggy – Siggy drove Ralph and I – because Ralph was just not feeling very good – drove us up to the place in Scottsdale where we were going to be staying for the night. They brought my husband in and deposited him on the bed and brought our suitcases in deposited them and said, “Bye!” And I said, “Now what do I do? You know he’s sick.”  (laughter) 
     "A few days later he got feeling better and the very next day – it was this really great resort with these big pools, unfortunately we didn’t feel like doing anything. The next afternoon we went over to my parents house and went to open the wedding stuff."
     "We went over to my parents home that Sunday afternoon to open Wedding presents he was kind of plumped up, he wasn’t throwing up at this point, he was just really, really weak and just didn’t feel very good. We opened Wedding presents and I would open it and say, “Look honey look!” and show him and show everybody else and reach for the next one to open. “Look honey look” show them around it was fun, my parents were there and I can’t remember if the rest of my family were there or not but anyways, we spent the morning opening presents, we spent that night there in Mesa and then the next day we started on our honeymoon. The plan was to drive to Southern California for the Open House.
