Foreign Adventure Ends

“I was 13 years old maybe ’71 or ’72, somewhere around in there is when my dad was laid off from Alcoa when the bottom dropped out of the aluminum market, and so they had all of these plant sites that they were building and my dad was helping them build these plant sites, and they laid off all the construction people because they didn't need any more plant sites because there wasn't money in aluminum right then. My mom and dad had to figure out what they were going to do, so they tell the story of kneeling down with a map of the world in front of them, trying to figure out where we needed to go. And they finally decided they needed to move back to Utah that it was really important they had teenage children my brother was 14, I was going to be turning 13, very quickly they needed to move someplace where the church was strong. My brother Keith at this point - I knew that he was already smoking, he had some encounters with alcohol, and it wasn't a very good environment for a teenaged boy, and he was greatly influenced by his peers. He needed to be strong as the church goes, so my parents felt it was really important to move someplace where the church was strong. So, they decided to move to Logan.  

We moved to North Logan in May of that year and there were only two weeks left of school in the school year, but we had to go to those two weeks of school, so we got credit for the school year. Jamaica schools would have six weeks during the summer that they were off they would have a month at Christmas time they would have a month at Easter time off school because people would travel and so here we are coming into North Logan and there were only two weeks left of school. We had to attend those two weeks. We were living in Logan in this little rented house until they figured out where they were going to live and what they were going to do.”
