North Logan

           "That summer my parents bought a house out in North Logan and we lived there for four years so that was grade 8, 9, 10 and 11.  Going up to the school there you would hop on the bus and go up to North Cache Junior High School. Go from the northern end of the valley. Everybody who lived in Logan went to the Logan City schools- Logan Junior High and Logan High. If you moved into the valley you were part of the Cache County School District. The kids in the north end of the valley went to North Cache Junior High and at the south end of the valley they would go to South Cache Junior High. Then in High School all the kids in the valley except for the kids in Logan went to Skyview High School. "

          "Even then my life was just all that music it was so fun. 
Ninth grade you also started seminary,  you would walk across the street to this little seminary building because it was just for the ninth graders and they would have seminary there. I had an amazing teacher who was doing his student teaching for the first half of the year. Actually I think he was there all year long his name was Brother John, Brother Marvin John. Truly amazing. Nothing disrespectful but the other two seminary teachers that taught the rest of the day were a little on the older side maybe they didn’t relate as well to the kids that this young man brother John was fabulous. I felt the spirit when I was in his classes. It was such a blessing that I had him he only taught one hour a day and I was fortunate enough to be there the hour that he was teaching. Even now I can remember some of the lessons, I think we were studying church history that year, because I remember him talking about the first vision- and it was powerful and when he taught - the spirit was so strong, oh what a blessing that has been in my life."

        "Living in North Logan another thing that was just amazing experience for me was to be in a ward that had a lot of youth. In Young Women’s we had probably between 10 and 12 girls at each level. So for example we had a beehive one class, and a beehive two class, a Mia Maid one class and a Mia Maid two class, Laurel one and Laurel two, we had an equal number of young men, we just had this huge Young Men’s Young Women’s Program. We did sports, the young women would do volleyball, and we would do basketball, and we would do softball. I wasn’t very good at them but I would participate I was included and I enjoyed it. It was great that we were in a small town that had three wards in it, and not a lot of people it was definitely more of a farming community not a lot of farming actually there but people that were – there were definitely horses that would go up and down the street, there were lots of people that did farming, in the area, but not necessarily in my neighborhood but they were around. It was a little rural community just north of Logan. Another great blessing was to have the University there, there was a lot of great influence from the University into the community. Lot of concerts and plays and things that would come to the University that we wouldn’t normally have gotten in a town the size of  North Logan. 

      "My parents decided after four years there in North Logan, they wanted to buy a house in a more rural community with a little bit of land, they had four boys and they need to have – they wanted to teach them how to work, and my dad also had great desires of learning how to become more self-sufficient. Learning how to do other activities and skills that would help us take care of ourselves in case we weren’t able to get food at the grocery store. We needed to learn how to grow our own food, get a couple of beef cattle, get a milk cow, plant a big garden, raise some turkeys and chickens, and things like that. So in between my junior and senior years we moved out to Benson Utah. That was very much a rural community. It was one ward there in the town of Benson and we lived there for four years. Fortunately I attended the same high school, but it was a different ward, it was like I had moved out of suburbia and  suddenly I wasn’t hanging out with some of those friends that I had hung out with as much as when I was in North Logan and the first ward, but I was definitely still hanging out with all of my friends from band and orchestra."
