Love and magic of reading

The magic and love of reading is born - 

     When I was 12 years old I needed to have braces put on, we were living in Jamaica at the time, my parents had a friend of theirs from Chillicothe days in Ohio that was now living in Idaho Falls, Jack Cheney, he was an orthodontist. He said he’d put my braces on, I just needed to get there. So that summer my parents put Keith and me on an airplane, we flew by ourselves I was 12, he was 13. We flew from Jamaica to Salt Lake by ourselves and we took a small plane up to Logan and my aunt Laura picked us up at the airport and the next morning she put me on a bus to go up to Idaho Falls and then my brother Keith was going to over to my grandpa’s house there in Malad, Idaho to work on the farm with my grandpa.   
     "I lived with the Cheney family for two weeks while I was getting teeth pulled and braces put on and the most magical thing happened while I was living with the Cheney family. They had six children I was a year older than their oldest Lynette. Every afternoon – it was busy – it was summer time, there was lots of playing, every afternoon after lunch it was time to read.
       "And Sister Cheney, Cleon Cheney was reading The Secret Gardento the children. And every afternoon we’d all lay down on the couches or the floor or whatever in the family room area and she’d read to us. It was magical! I remember, I remember what it was like sitting as they found the key to the garden and I remember one of the older kids one of the girls was combing her mom’s hair while she was sitting on the floor in front of the couch and she was reading to us. 
     "I remember when they first came into the garden and it was magical! I decided that when I was a mom I was going to read to my children. 
     "Now I had always been a voracious reader, I remember one year for Christmas in Jamaica getting six books for Christmas, six of the Trixie Beldenbooks for Christmas and I was ecstatic – now I was done reading them in probably a week and my mother looked at me like could you have let them last a little bit longer? 
     "But she knew I was a voracious reader and I wanted my children to love books as much as Ralph and I did because he is also a very good reader, very into his books and so that is something we have invested in over the years, lots of children’s books."
