Friends and Baby Stories

     "Diedra Rader and I birthed a lot of babies together and done a lot of ups and downs together and what a great friend and what a great blessing she has been in my life.  When we found out we were pregnant with Amy, about six months into it, Diedra found out she was pregnant and so she was born in February and Jordon (their first) was born the beginning of August. They are six months apart and we raised them together.
     "Diedra was Young Women’s president and Jeff was serving as counselor in the Bishopric. So on Sunday mornings when she had Ward Council meetings she would drive Jordon over to my house and I would watch Jordon and he would just cry and scream at me and Amy would just give him the most quizzical looks, “Why are you crying?” Because he was just not happy because he wasn’t with his mom, but he learned to settle down.
     "Amy was born in 1990 and two years later in April Diedra and I were both pregnant and I was going to have a baby first and she was going to have a baby second but actually it turned out a little differently in that Hailey was born first because Diedra always goes two weeks early and I go one week late. So Hailey Rader was born on the 20thand five days later on the 25th(seven days late) Kristy Marie Lambert was born.
     "Now when Amy was born, Amy was having a hard time getting here. We were in labor for about 43 hours with Amy before she was born. We started labor on Tuesday night and she was born Thursday afternoon, Wednesday at midnight we went into the hospital to have her. I was dilated enough and was in hard enough labor, because I had been in labor since the day before. I told them I’d like an epidural, but they said we have to make sure you’re in labor for awhile – actually I didn’t do that right back up – I walked in and my plan was of course to do it all natural, I didn’t need an epidural I was tough.  After going through that second night of no sleep, finally about eight o’clock in the morning they said, “Do you want an epidural?” So they gave me an epidural by nine o’clock it had finally kicked in and Ralph and I were finally able to get some sleep.
      "Back in those days at Kaiser you went through your labor in these little teeny rooms that were a little bit bigger than a closet but not much, there was room enough for the bed, room enough for a chair for the husband to sit on – it was just a little hard chair, the equipment they needed to monitor you and that was it. Poor Ralph had been up two nights with me, and he was so incredibly tired, so at one point after they gave us the epidural, I was finally able to go to sleep for about three hours and he laid down on the floor and slept for about three hours.
     "The labor was continuing but since I had the epidural I was able to relax enough so I could get some sleep. At about noon they checked me and it was time to start pushing and so we pushed from then until then to 2:57. So almost three hours of pushing Amy was born. What they would do is when they were about ready to deliver they would then wheel you down the hall to the delivery room. Then you would deliver the baby and then they would take you to the recovery room. Then two days later they would send you home from the hospital.
     "So we had Amy in February of 1990 and two years later we had Kristy Marie Lambert. She was the easiest delivery of any of my four children. In that we started labor that morning and she was already six days late, we started labor that morning we went over to Tilden Park with some friends. Ralph took the day off since I was in labor. We took Amy with several friends and their children over to Tilden Park. Played on the swings and that afternoon it really started to kick in.
     "I was so excited! Yeah this baby is coming! I – let me see – We took Amy over to the Talbots who were good friends who had a little girl named Holly who was Amy’s age. They were going to keep Amy overnight for us. Then we went into the hospital and when we got there they checked and said yup, you’re doing well and first thing I said was, “I’d like an epidural.” They got me going with some fluids and they got me the epidural so I was doing really well!
     "I remember that we were watching some show on the nature channel or something there at the hospital, and all of a sudden the nurses come in say, “Roll over on your side!” “I am on my side”. “No the other side.” They check me and they said, “You are ready to start pushing.” I’m like what do you mean? I haven’t suffered enough. I mean this was so easy compared to Amy when it had gone on forever.
       "They rolled us down the hallway to the delivery room and I push three times and out came Kristy. So compared to 43 hours, Kristy we were in labor for about 19 hours. That was great! She was born just after midnight – something like 12:20 in the morning, I think 12:23 was the official time. So just after midnight, a beautiful little girl with brown hair, lots of dark brown hair. The smallest of all my babies, she was only 7lbs 15 oz. and just delightful.  Ralph and I were thrilled to have two healthy baby girls.
     "Amy was such a good big sister to Kristy and life was good. I had been serving in the Young Women’s up until this point.

     "Oh. Ralph and I had taken a trip. Ralph had been with Ecology and Environment the company that he has been working with. He had been with the company five years that Spring.  At that point they would bring you to company headquarters in Buffalo, New York and they would let you see the sights there in Buffalo, Niagara Falls and they would bring this big dinner, they would give you a pin that had a diamond in it, you’d get a diamond for each five years you worked for the company.
     "Since Ralph has a brother who lives in upstate New York, Ralph got permission to go a little bit early, fly into Buffalo, then we rented a car and drove over to Ithaca which is where Alan and Cindy and their two kids Enoch, and Sarah live.
     "I was seven and a half months pregnant. I checked with the doctor and he said, “You’re healthy and strong everything looks fine.” He gave me some tips on traveling. We decided to leave Amy with the Talbots for the six days we were gone. That was hard for me. That was really, really hard for me. I had never been away from her before. That was extremely difficult for me but I also knew that Ralph really wanted to go see his brother and we couldn’t take Amy with us on the flight to go that far, and it would be a whole lot easier on Amy if she stayed in Concord. So that’s what she did.
     "We went and were able to spend three days going to see some of the Church Historical sites. We saw the Hill Cumorah, we went to the Sacred Grove, we saw Palmyra, the Grandin Printing Press, the shops, and it was just a really nice trip. Boy were we glad to get back, it was so good to get back to our little girl. 
     "Anyways- I had been serving there in the ward and getting to know friends and Ralph was serving as the Elder’s Quorum President at the time, and things were going well. So about four months after Kristy was born our Relief Society president and her husband moved to New Hampshire."
