Student Teaching

     "Then it was time to do my student teaching.  I was assigned to North Cashe Junior High School which was actually – by this time it was actually a middle school.  I went to Junior High but it was now a middle school. It was grades 7 and 8 I do believe. One of my band teachers who was there before, Boyd Erickson, was still there teaching. Come to find out it was his daughter Trina who married my brother Kevin. We’re kind of loosely connected now. Boyd was still teaching there, he’s the brass and percussion person and was still teaching there after all these years and the other band teacher there now after Mr. Bertollio left was Gregg Wheeler.
      "Since I was a clarinet player – I’d played clarinet in High School – I would bring my clarinet with me and Gregg was the one doing the supervising of me for my student teaching.  He was amazing, oh my Goodness! Fabulous.  He would go in and I would observe for the first week or two and then he would start having me up on the podium with the kids doing certain things, but he said, “Ok today we are going to talk about how you teach the clarinet.”
     "He would give me step by step instructions to do this, and then you do this, and then you do this, I mean it was laid out. I don’t know if I still have those notes, but boy anybody who wants to teach a beginning clarinet class – that’s just the way to do it! Years before I had been the one sitting in the row of the clarinet class and here I am in front of the clarinet class teaching them a chromatic scale and that was one of the first things they taught them was the chromatic scale and they didn’t teach them the notes, they just them this is how you do it, this is how it sounds and everyday they did that up and down, up and down. And then they started into other stuff.                    
      "Just very methodical, very careful, very well-planned out. Gregg was a master teacher and a wonderful person to have as a mentor for doing my student teaching. I worked a little bit with Boyd but mostly with Gregg because he was the one supervising me. I had an amazing great experience. They really taught me to listen and it was good. In order to do my student teaching –they didn’t have busses in the valley – but they do now –  North Cashe Junior High is 9 miles out of Logan and so I had to buy my first little car, a little Dodge Omni named Oscar. I bought it for 16oo and 50 dollars and of course I had to take out a loan and so I got my aunt and uncle to co-sign with me on my loan. Payments were $100 a month, $50 a month, I don’t know, but anyways just this nice little car that I bought so I could have it for my student teaching. Because I needed to have transportation. Another girl who was also going to be driving out there, I would drive out to Hyde Park where she lived and we were alternate weeks in driving up. It was the cold of winter and the wind can be extremely cold and so we’d have to go get in the car and start it early morning to make sure that it was running and heating up so I could run on up there. I don’t know that I missed any days, I was able to make it out every day to do my student teaching. I was out there 12 – 16 weeks of the quarter. Great experience, I really enjoyed it."
