The Bear Story

     While collecting stories about Lisa, Brenda Lopez told me that Lisa saved her child from a bear. I really wanted to hear that story!
     Members of the Concord Third ward would go camping together. They had gone up near Shasta. Everyone had brought their boats and took turns going out. At night they were especially careful to put everything away because of the bear warnings. They even had bear proof garbage cans. Brenda said it didn't matter, they still got in the garbage cans anyway. One day it was Rudy and Brenda's turn to go out on the boats. Lisa volunteered to stay behind to watch three little ones.   Kristy as a baby, LeeAnn Lopez and another child with her, while everyone went down to the boats and lake.
     On the edge of camp was a drop with rocks, it wasn't easy to walk down, but it was a way to get to the docks. When Brenda and company came up from the docks they saw Lisa and wondered what she was doing down from the hill. She said there was a bear in the camp and there was no way for her to get out on the main straight path, but had to go down towards the lake, down these boulder rocks with the babies over the rocks to get to a safe place. Lisa said, "I had no choice, the bear had the upper hand and I had to do what I had to do." Very typical of Lisa, "I had to do what I had to do."   This was a very discriminating bear as he only ate the homemade cookies in a tin that Lisa had made and left the packages that were store bought. He left claw marks on a boat left up there and claw marks on the tin can.
      As Brenda described Concord Third ward and their activities, I got a picture of a very involved ward who got together often. Brenda talked about going with Lisa and Diedra to Education Week in BYU Provo a few times together, just the three of them and staying at relatives homes. "We also had a women's retreat night when we would go out together." The Concord Third Ward did a lot of things together that others might do with their families. Tight bonds of friends. A lot of very young families pulling together. "Lisa was very blessed....I remember her saying, "Don't expect God to give you the answers until you have done the work first." Or something like you do your part and God will bless you."
     "She was a doer, " Brenda explains. We did a lot of things together. Every week we had singing time with the kids, we'd meet at the park, and as adults we had a book club, we also had carpools for all the kids going to school. "She didn't wait around for life to happen, she just got up and did." She would do her part and knew God would give her the answers and blessings she needed.
