
     "Fast forward to 2012 and I noticed in the Spring that I had a couple of bumps that were showing up on my mastectomy scar and I was into denial that it could be anything going on and finally it was the first week of May and – actually the second week of May and I decided that I needed to contact Kaiser and just ask about this. You know it seems to be growing a little bit and I needed to check on it. 
     "So I had been called to go to Girls Camp as the Quilt Leader which was my happy place to be, I had done it for a couple of years – I loved – I had gone to Girls Camp as a second year leader and then when I was – after I’d been diagnosed with cancer I still wanted to go back but I really felt I needed to go where I stayed in camp because I didn’t want to be out on the hikes where – I just didn’t have the energy that I’d had. Part of it is because I’m getting a little older, part of it was because it had sapped my energy and so I felt like I could serve better in camp so somebody called me to quilts. I got to work with Karen Corcorhan who was fabulous and she trained me on how to quilt. Karen is a very organized, orderly, this is how we do it, type person and oh how I love Karen. She’s just fabulous. So I was several years at camp doing quilts and then I wasn’t able to do – and the way it worked out I did quilts for 2 or 3 years then they had moved girls camp right on top of our reunion, it was the year Kristy was suppose to be doing High Adventure – she chose to go to the Reunion instead of High Adventure and I felt really bad she had missed her High Adventure year because of that.
      "Anyways, I was supposed to do quilts that year but I wasn’t able to do it and they asked me again, and I said, “you know I think I’m going to take a break from camp until Kylie is actually in Girls camp.” I know a lot of people that go to girls camp when they don’t have girls there but I kind of felt like I needed to be home with Kylie until it was time for Girls Camp.  Well 2012 and she was going to Girls Camp that year, they called me as a quilt leader and I was so happy, looking for material and my wonderful sister-in-law in Logan and Kristy was up there at the time and they went shopping for material over in Malad, Idaho at Alladra and they found all of this way cute material that was on sale for $2.50 a yard which was fabulous. So they sent it down and Kristy had just gotten home from college and she and I were going to be going over to meet with some of the sisters over at the Alberta chapel to put the quilt packets together. 
     "I called Kaiser that morning I’d actually sent an email over to my oncologist saying, “I have a few bumps on my mastectomy scar do I need to be worried about that? Let me know.” Then we left to go over to the Alberta chapel and Kristy and I were there and we met up with a couple of other quilt ladies I can’t remember exactly who was there, I think Linda Ann was there and I think Nary Rith was over there and it only took us an hour and a half and we had all the batting cut and everything was put into the packets and I wrote on the card and we came home. 
     "When we got home there was an email message from the oncologist saying, “ I need to see you immediately.”  There was a phone message, I don’t know why I didn’t have my cell phone on me, but I didn’t get a phone message, but there was a message from Denise Presneck who was a nurse practitioner saying, “This is Kaiser we need to see you immediately we have an appointment for you at this time.” As I’m listening to this message all of a sudden I know there’s something wrong again. Kristy had just gotten home from school the week before, I’m so glad she was there with me. She could tell I was very upset – we just started crying and we were holding each other, it’s like Here We Go Again! 
     "We knew that something was wrong. I called and got a hold of the nurse, so we have an appointment for you this afternoon. I went in that afternoon still had kids in school I think Kristy was going to be running carpool to pick up kids, I can’t remember how it worked. Anyways I remember I got in there to see them that afternoon and the nurse Kersnick looked at it and she said, “We need to get this biopsied.” She said it in the most happy, cheerful way like no big deal. We need to get this biopsied. And so she called over and said, “Hi, we have a patient here and we need to get a biopsy right away.” 
     "I got dressed and went across the hall and while I was getting dressed she came in and she said, “ There is something you need to understand, look at this right here and she looked at my original diagnosis and she said you were diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer stage three B. Inflammatory breast cancer you will never ever be rid of and you need to be vigilant about things you see out of the ordinary. You need to let us know immediately because we want you here and we need to be able to treat you and take care of you, but we have to do that immediately. 
     "So I went over for a biopsy and they got me the results the next day and yes it was active cancer cells. So we needed to get in for a scan right away to see what we were looking at. We went in for a scan and yes I had cancer in my breast bone and my chest area and yes I was positive for cancer again and we needed to start treatment again."
