Church Affiliation

     Lisa Bills Lambert was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and had a strong testimony of the Lord, His goodness and blessings, and a knowledge that her prayers were heard and answered. She felt a strong duty to fulfill her callings in the church very well.
     "This next section I wanted to talk about some of the callings I’ve had while I’ve been in the Clayton Valley First Ward.  I was choir director and then I was called to be Relief Society President and then I taught Primary and then I taught – I know I’ve covered some of this before I just wanted to make sure it’s complete. Then I was called into the Young Women’s organization and then I taught – I was an advisor for the Laurels for awhile under Stephanie Lambertson as the President and then I was the – when Janelle Webster was called as the President I was called as the Beehive Advisor and worked with Linda Ann Adams which was fabulous, it was great. I really, really enjoyed that time. Kristy was there in Beehives and so it was a very sweet time to be working with her. I was very thankful for that and then I was called from there to be the Primary chorister – happy, happy, joy, joy!  At some point in there I was also the choir director and –it was at the point too that – trying to think how this all fit together – I had cancer there for awhile but then I went through it and things were going well – then I was called to be the counselor in the Stake Primary Presidency with Lynn Blatter.     
    "That was a very fun experience, I’d been the first part of cancer and things were going well things were looking fine for several years, so I was called to be in the Stake Primary and did that for several years and really enjoyed that. I was over the Cub Scouts, I was over the music – so that gave me a great opportunity to give my support to the chorister of the stake which was very fun!  Such an amazing calling to be a Primary chorister to be able to teach the gospel in a very fun and unique original ways. 
     "I could share my testimony every Sunday, how awesome is that? To be able to teach music that is so powerful that will influence their week and will come back to their mind and that teaches the gospel and carries the powerful gospel messages – so, so important.  Like I said it was my favorite – probably my favorite calling of all time in the church. It’s just something I love and adore and feel so strongly about it. I enjoyed being in the Stake Primary and one of the things I decided to do along with my calling in the Stake Primary was the 11 year old Scout camp that we put together and that was very fun to go and do. 
     "We also trying to provide support to the Cub Scout day camp. Now Cub Scout Day Camp is under the auspices’ of Ironhorse District but we were trying to aid in support of that. We decided one year to – Cindy Wells who is an amazingly talented volunteer working with the cup scouts. She and – I can’t remember who exactly volunteered where – she asked if we would help with that and I said yes I would. I also suggested Linda Ann to work with that. 
      "So the three of us worked on that and the theme that year was sports. In a synergistic way we were able to come up with some really fun ideas like trading cards to pass off their stuff and some really fun engineering – we did (what did Jean call it? Something engineering) Amazing engineering Awesome – I can’t remember what it was – it was such a fun station, one of the funnest the kids did all week. It took a lot of work to get all the supplies for that, and to get - they made alligator boards, and those little stomper things for their feet and they made tin can stilts. I was collecting number 10 cans from all kinds of places from the nursing home and from -  I got some from a nursing home in Malad, Idaho where my parents are staying – they had like 10 or 12 cans that they let me have and I threw those in a bag when I came home. We knew that we had about 200 boys I think, so we needed twice that many cans! We were able to do it. We got all these cans – I got a lot of them from Katrina over at Mountain View, she was saving them for me and that was really great. Then we also got a bunch of PVC pipe to make the really awesome fun marshmallow shooters. Extreme Engineering that’s what it was Extreme Engineering. It was just so much fun.  It was great.
      " Linda Ann was in charge of the registration, she was so organized and put that all together and Cindy and I were working on all the stations pulling that together and getting the volunteers and who was lined up for what. And so there were some headaches throughout the week but it was a great opportunity and a learning experience. I was so glad we were able to do that for the boys. That was a very fun experience. I really enjoyed working with Cindy and working with Linda Ann and what great women they are.  
     "After I was released from the Stake Primary – what did I do after that? I can’t remember – I was called to be the – Oh – I was called to be the ward music chairman and the – that was two years ago – I was called to be the Stake music chairman and the ward music chorister and I was going to be working with Jackie Fontaine and she was going to be in charge of specifically working with the special musical numbers and getting those set up. We have a lot of talent in the ward but sometimes its just finding the right piece of music and the right timing and the right combinations of people to put it all together. It’s been very fun and then –gosh – a year ago they called me to be the choir director in addition to that and without telling me that’s what needed to happen. 
     "It’s really wonderful my – so last May – May of 2012 I was called as the – sorry that’s when I had the reoccurrence of my cancer – and I was up in Utah and Southern Idaho and I went to see my parents and I asked my dad if he would give me a blessing. One of the lovely things he said, was that he said that I would have the opportunity to continue to serve with the many talents that I had. And then right after that – they had no idea I was getting that blessing – then right after that I’m called to be the choir director. 
      "To do the music in the ward and what a blessing that has been to bean through the last year of all the ups and downs of my health to have that as a constant. I realize yes I’m going through surgery but I’m not dead yet, and I’m not on my way out yet and there’s things I can do to serve and help. How thankful I am to have that calling where I can serve. I think in some small way, in a very humble way it is reassuring to the ward to see me up there every Sunday directing the music with the wig and then watching my hair grow back in. A lot of people know – emails keep going out – can you please include Lisa in your prayers she’s going through surgery, please include Lisa in your prayers she’s going through radiation right now.
        "I think the ward finds it wonderful to know that the Lord is answering our prayers, that the fasting and efforts of the ward putting my name on the prayer roles is having a definitive effect on preserving my life. That has been wonderful. 

      "Another section I wanted to talk a little bit about the blessings of having children on missions. So Amy has always wanted to go on a mission, something that was extremely important to her and so in 2011, January 2011 she had been working on her papers and she was going to be turning 21, she put in her papers and got her mission call, she was up at BYU at the time, she got her mission call to serve in the Brazil Maceio'Mission, and that she would be leaving July 5thto go to Brazil and she would begin her service in the MTC on July 6th
     "And it was a miracle her visa came through. Ralph went to a lot of work to put that visa together…So Amy received her mission call the visa came through and we took her to the San Francisco Airport and she flew off to – she took a plane from SFO to Dallas, Texas met up with a few missionaries there and flew to the MTC in San Paulo, Brazil. What a wonderful experience to have a missionary, fortunately we live in a time we can receive weekly emails from her. She is good about sending emails to us. She worked in several different places.
         Maceio' is a mission that covers the state of Sergipe and Alagoas. A very poor area, a lot of illiterate about 70% of the people are illiterate. It’s in the south – it’s on the coast – the part that sticks the furthest out into the Atlantic ocean.  There is actually a temple there. And if you go two or three hours south that’s the Maceio' Mission. She had all native companions except for one companion from Chile but all of them are from South America. Now that she is home she doesn’t have any idea if she will ever have contact with them again as far as being able to see them. 
     "Unlike me where one of my mission companions  - all of my companions were American so the opportunity to see them is a lot greater. Living in very poor circumstances, very humble circumstances. Amy had a reputation on her mission of being a very hard worker and following the rules. Sometimes that was very hard for her companions, hard for Amy to keep busy while her companions insisted on going back to the apartment and taking a nap every afternoon after they had lunch. So Amy would sit there at the desk, “I can a least read my scriptures.” So she read all of the standard works in Portuguese while she was there – or in English – and started on Portuguese – well anyways – she kept herself busy. I’m very proud of her, it was very tough circumstances, it was hot, it was humid, she had some major problems with ingrown toenails and her feet, but she made it through, she served honorably and well. I’m so incredibly proud of her. 
     "Amy now has about two more semesters to finish up at BYU in Latin American Studies and she has an internship in Washington DC in the fall to work with the Department of Diplomatic Security. Kristy is serving a mission right now. She left on June 26thof this year to go on a mission. So it was absolutely wonderful when Amy came home off her mission December 2012, we had everybody home for about two and a half weeks. What a glorious time that was! 
